Our staff welcomes the opportunity to speak about GameChangers and the impact that it is making in our community. Contact Ally Slavick, Director of Communications with inquiries.

YWCA ‘GameChangers’ work to end domestic violence

By Gabrielle Hays of WBIR

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Kendrick Tate is a mentor coordinator for the YWCA’s GameChangers program and he loves it.

“It is a huge passion,” he said. 

His passion is for curbing and preventing violence in all aspects.

“What we do is focus on mentoring to our young men teaching them how to respect women how to prevent domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, we teach them about consent and about bystander intervention,” he said.

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The YWCA is looking for a few good men

By Kelli Parker of WATE

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE)– The YWCA is looking for a few good men to help change the lives of boys right here in our community. It’s a program called GameChangers. Local Mentors go inside local schools to help be game changers in the lives of boys who need someone to guide them. As Kendrick Tate and Austin Hopps explain, this program is already making a huge difference for our next generation.

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Volunteer East Tennessee honors outstanding youth volunteer of the year

By Chelsea Haynes of WATE

For the past three years, William Burnett has dedicated every single week during the school year to educate middle school boys on domestic violence, through the YWCA GameChangers program. 

Volunteer East Tennessee named him “Outstanding Youth Volunteer of the Year” for his commitment to these young men and service to the East Tennessee community. Congratulations William! 

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Changing the game against domestic violence, one teenage boy at a time

By Chelsea Haynes of WATE


The YWCA Knoxville is breaking barriers to change the game by launching the only gender based violence prevention program for young men in East Tennessee, and the only one of it’s kind in the United States.

GameChangers is a program based in the heart of East Tennessee which targets middle-school boys by teaching young men about domestic violence, sexual assault and how they can prevent violence against women and girls.

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